Laying the foundations- Vision, Mission and Values

 Dear Young Farmer,


When we spoke the last time, I know I had promised to talk about Curating teams-assembling and leading a High-Performance Team. However, I realised that would be jumping the gun because I would have skipped laying the foundations that you need before you can even begin to think about curating a team. In the dynamic landscape of the agricultural sector in Africa, where innovation meets tradition, the clarity of Vision, Mission and Values forms the cornerstone of organisational success and competitive advantage. (Studies have shown it takes at least 18 months to replicate this competitive advantage). Today we delve into their definition and explore their role in shaping organisational culture.


Vision (The North Star) (Why do you exist)

It guides the trajectory of your business towards the future it aspires to create, rallying all stakeholders behind a common purpose. I have seen statements that include words such as Best, Largest, and First. My question is based on what metrics, how will we know you have arrived and how does this benefit your clients? In the context of African agri-based companies, a vision might encompass goals like sustainable agricultural practises, improved household food security or economic empowerment of small-scale/ rural farmers. Ambitious yet realistic, motivating yet achievable.


Mission (The Road to Fulfilment) (What do you do for Whom)

The Vision sets the destination, and the Mission is the map. Defining the core purpose of the organisation. A well-created statement states what the organisation does, who it serves and how it delivers value to its stakeholders. For you this can revolve around enhancing agricultural productivity, promoting local sourcing or fostering inclusive growth in the agricultural value chain.


Values (The Guiding Principles) (How do you do what you do)

They represent the moral compass of an organisation, guiding its behaviour, decision making and relationships. They are the fundamental beliefs and principles that define the character and culture of the organisation.


Organisational Culture

Organisational culture is the silent guest in every room and when these VMV statements are not the daily lived-out truths of the organisation, toxicity reigns.  Its evidence includes lack of teamwork, unprofessional behaviour, disrespect, mistrust, dishonesty, corruption and high talented staff turnover. This affects not just the team but its relationship with clients ultimately affecting revenue and profitability.  My African brothers and sisters PLEASE understand this: There is no evil spirit involved. Culture must be crafted through a process of deliberate design and driven by consequence (Vusi Thembekwayo)


Identifying the VMVs requires introspection, authenticity and alignment for you and your team. They are the foundation
al pillars that shape the DNA of the organisation.



Sasakawa Africa Association (SAA):

Vision: "A hunger-free Africa with prosperous smallholder farmers."

Mission: Empowering smallholder farmers through improved agricultural practices, technology adoption, and capacity building.

Values: Integrity, collaboration, sustainability, and respect for local knowledge and traditions


Twiga Foods (Kenya):

Vision: "Transforming African agriculture through technology and innovation."

Mission: Leveraging technology to streamline supply chains, reduce food wastage, and provide fair prices to farmers and consumers.

Values: Innovation, transparency, inclusivity, and social impact.


I know you may not yet have started your organisation, so this is the best time to think about this. These things are the Below Surface Activities, no one sees them but everyone can feel their impact once done. The VMV’s will provide clarity and focus and can be used as a decision-making framework as you prioritise and make choices.


As always you should have a good sounding board to walk with you through this process. As a Business Coach, I am always at your service. Nothing should be a one-man band. Next time we build on the foundations.


Until then,






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